Monday, November 17, 2008

Hercules Mulligan and DL Token

Last Friday night, the Marquise and I went out to the 'Nog to see Hercules Mulligan during their monthly performance out there. It was good to see them out at full strength! All four of them were out, Julie, Mike, Dave and Chris. Julie on the fiddle and the concertina was great. Actually, I think I liked the concertina a little better than the fiddle. It provided a little "depth" to the 3 or 4 songs she played that was not quite there with the fiddle. Mike did a great job on the banjo, which is usually the case. I'm not sure I've seen him with a bad night. Chris and Dave seemed to enjoy the company up there and were a little more relaxed than the last couple of times I've seen them. It'll be fun to hear them once they have had some more time playing together.

The big surprise of the night was DL Token. They were the "headliners" for the evening. Normally the Marquise and I leave after the Celtic band has done their set. For some reason, we stayed around to hear these guys. I think we were both interested to see what was coming. During their set-up, I only saw the two guys with their guitars. I thought that was a little strange considering the second band of the evening is usually a good sized band (usually 4 or 5) and usually has a full drum set. The Marquise and I were wondering how these 2 guitarists were going to stack up. Well, about 5 minutes before the band was supposed to start in comes a third member with (not sure of the name) lap? drum. A single drum you hold between your knees and play with your hands. Whatever that is called, he had one and he could flat out play it! I kept looking over there because I was expecting at least 2 drums, if not more, for the rhythms he was creating. The 2 guitarists were equally as talented as the drummer. The 3 of them produced a sound that most larger bands can't even match. I think the Marquise and I have found another favourite local band! Our musical dance card is gonna get real full at this rate!

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