Sunday, June 15, 2008

Commute Debriefing

This will be a short posting today. Just wanted to let everyone know how my first week of commuting went. The bottom line is that at this time last week, I had use 3/4 of a tank of gas. (I did have a trip out to the Marquise's place last week, so that added some extra mileage.) This week, I haven't even used 1/4 of a tank. Savings this week, about 45.00.

Now, my commute is not all roses. There are still quite a few thorns. I am spending a lot more time getting to and from work. However, as I told my momma, I have a lot more time than money!

That and I am getting tons of crocheting done! So far I've gotten a couple of washcloths and dishtowels done. I'm going to work on a pair of socks now. (No kilt hose this time around, just regular ol' socks.) For those of you that just have to know, they are dark grey and deep red. The yarn is Moda-Dea bamboo wool, 45% wool and 55% rayon from bamboo. I'm not sure what rayon from bamboo is or how its made. I'll have to search it out and see what I find.

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