The first band was Old Blind Dog. They are a Scottish band that has a full touring schedule this winter here in the States. I guess it is better touring here in January and February that in Scotland. This was the first time I have had the opportunity to see them. I am very impressed. Usually, the first time you hear a band (especially one with a thick Scottish accent) it can be a little difficult to understand the lyrics. I had very little problems hearing (and understanding) the lyrics. The Marquise and I bought on of their CDs and I had a chance to listen to it today. I am even more impressed with their CD. I certainly hope I get a chance to see this band again.

The second band up was Seven Nations. They are a rock/celtic/Scottish band. They are a bit to rock for my taste (ears). At least in a relatively closed space like Tir Na Nog. I am listening to their website while I'm typing this and while the recording is not the best quality, it is much better than what I heard Friday night. The lead vocals were muffled, the volume was up so loud that it was hard to concentrate on the individual musicians. You know there is something wrong when the bagpipes get drowned out. They sounded like they were trying to outplay each other. The Marquise and I left during their break. They do, however, seem to have quite a local following around here. Maybe it was just a bad night for them.

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