Monday, May 5, 2008

It Finally Happened part Deux

Well, it has happened. The sad state of affairs that I knew would someday arrive. The good folks over at Beginner's Luck Brewing have finally hit a couple of potholes on the road thru brewing experience. That's right folks, the Marquise and I have hit a rough patch these past two batches. The bloom is off the lily. We have shot our wad. I have already elucidated the problems with the previous batch (waaay to sweet), so here goes with batch number 5. We think it died. We had a blow out a day or so after we pitched the yeast. The wort blew the cap off the airlock and gummed everything up. I advised the Marquise to remove the airlock, cover the hole and hope for the best. She put another airlock on Friday and there was no sign of activity. I went out to her place on Sunday to see what we could do. I was thinking that maybe the fermentation finished up earlier than we had anticipated. Well, when I looked at the mix, there were no green thingies growing in it, which I considered a good sign. We did taste the mix and it tasted bad. I could tell that the fermentation had at least started (there was some alcohol in there). We decided to add some sugar, for priming and to sweeten it a little (the mix was really bitter) and bottle it. I thought the yest might have bit the big one, so I added another pack of yeast before we bottled. This is gonna be one interesting batch.

Wish us luck.

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