Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Done! Finished! The End! I have finally finished my first crocheted sweater. It's a v-neck cardigan (well, sort of v-neck). It took me about 5 weeks to finish it. Not bad for a first timer. My original plan was that I could wear it at work. (I'm always cold at work) However, it's gonna be to heavy/warm to wear at work. I'll take it with me to Grandfather Mountain in July. It is usually cool enough in the evenings there. I guess I'll have to start planning my next one!

It's in the washer right now, I'll post pictures of it soon.

btw, this was my third "first attempt". I got so pissed at the first two and the yarn I was using for those that I stuffed it all into the back of my closet and am refusing to even look at it. One of these days I'll throw the whole damned mess out. Never, ever use crappy yarn!

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