Thursday, July 19, 2007

A Week Ago

A week ago, I was happily working away on my latin studies. I had progressed thru the major declensions for nouns (masculine, femine and neuter) and was getting pretty confident that I was progressing well. Ya know, it is really amazing how much information one can forget in one week's time. Because of the Highland Games, getting braces on, watering the flowers, and various other reasons, I was not able to study my latin for a week. Big mistake. Very big mistake. I looked at the next section in the text and I was , well, lost. I actually had to go to a different textbook and start over again to "refresh" myself. The primary text I am using does not have a lot of exercises and I felt that if I went back over the same examples, I would not have to think about the answers as much. So I am "starting over" again for the third time. Let's see how things progress this time.

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