Wednesday, January 14, 2009

New Beer

Well, its been a little over a week since the Marquise and I bottled the latest batch of beer and it is time for the first tasting. Just to bring everyone up to speed, the last batch of beer was a Munich Bock by Munton's. It is another dark beer. I think it turned out a lot sweeter than it is supposed to. It may not have completely fermented. We had some concern because it stopped bubbling about a day and a half earlier than expected. It is very smooth, however, and only marginally hoppy (however, that may be because it is a pre-mix). It is really not what I expected. It is actually very similar to the Irish Stout we made last time. It is pretty good so far. we'll have to see what the next couple of weeks brings.

On another slightly different topic, I have to tell y'all what happened Tuesday night! One of my roomate's Aunts spent a night here on her way somewhere else (farther east, I think). While she was here, she gave Ralph a slightly late Christmas present. She gave him a Mr Beer brewing kit! It is so cute! It is a 2 gallon container whith a spigot, some plastic bottles and a wee little can of beer mix! I advised her that while I knew she gave it to Ralph, it was actually mine. It'll be interesting to see what I can use it for. I'm thinking cider and maybe some strawberry wine.

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