Saturday, June 23, 2007


I started working on another of my things to do, learn latin. I found this interesting site, that is dedicated to helping people learn latin and greek (ancient not modern or biblical). Its a seems a pretty good site or at least it has a lot of resources posted. I will see how good the site actually is as I go through my lessons. To be honest I feel more than slightly geeky when I go that website. However, there are about 1300 people that have listed learning latin as one of the things they want to do, so I have at least some company. I also have to be honest, I am cheating slightly. I had 2 years of latin in HS. However, that was a LOOONG time ago. (or at least it seems like an eternity now) It is funny how things actually do start comming back after looking through the lessons. Unfortunately, my memory likes to get things all bass-ackwards from time to time. Its a little strange having something pop into my mind and thinking my memory is really better than I thought, only to realize that my synapses short-circuited and I have things all jumbled together.

If you hadn't guessed by now, I am taking a break from my "studies". Maybe my synapses just need a beer. I'll talk to ya'll later.

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