Thursday, June 21, 2007

Carpe Diem

OK folks, here I go. I can officially cross the first item off my 43 things to do before I die list. Although I haven't actually MADE the list yet, so I am not sure I can cross this off. Well, once I make my list, one of the things that will be on it is to start a blog.

I am not real sure where all of this is actually going to lead. A good friend of mine has been blogging for some time now. One of the links from her blog goes to Now, I have seen that link for probably over a year now and we have discussed it off and on. I actually went to the site for the first time the other day. After perusing the site for awhile, I thought I should give it a try. So here I am, whether you are ready or not. You will hear about my trials and tribulations as I try to whittle away at my list, as well as some commentary on current events that make me go "Hmmmmm".

Time to go and make my list..

1 comment:

Zoe said...

Glad to see a great kilt wearer has come over to the, blog...side.