Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Yippee!! New Computer

I decided to get a new computer this past weekend. My old laptop was beginning to show its age (not enough power for the new games :)) So I decided to get a new one. My first thought was to get another laptop. I looked online and found a couple of good deals. I settled on another Toshiba from Best Buy. Well, while I was there, I looked at the desk tops and realized that I could get a much better system for a lot less. I wandered around the store for a while and came to the conclusion that I have actually only moved my laptop outside of my bedroom about 5 times in the past year! I decided that I really did not need a laptop as much as I thought. So I went with a Compaq Presario and an HP monitor ( really, really cool monitor!). I talked with one of my friends and she is gonna buy my old laptop, which is fine for anything that doesn't require a lot of video graphics. So the whole set up is gonna cost me about 350.00. This one should last me a few years. Still working on the wireless, though. The new computer doesn't recognize the wireless router that I have. I think I just have to find an updated driver for it. I'll need to spend some time on my roomie's computer downstairs. I am currently piggy backing on the neighbor's system.

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