Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Bad Day

Yesterday was a bad day. There was a supervisor's position that opened up and I had interviewed for it. As you can guess, I did not get the position. There were several other people who applied and I told one of my co-workers that there was only one that I would not want to see get the position. In fact, I would be quite upset if she did get the position. Well, guess what? The one person I didn't want to get the position did. The reason that I did not want her to get the position is because I don't trust her. That simple. She is smart and talented, but I just don't trust her.

Well, I managed through the day yesterday with the knowledge that I had 1 bottle of Irish Stout left from the last batch of beer I made. I was really looking forward to that beer. I got home and popped the cap and ...... nothing. No fizz. No "pop". No carbonation. Somehow the beer either didn't finish the fermentation in the bottle or the cap was not on quite tight enough. I ended up dumping the beer down the drain.

As I said, yesterday was a Bad Day.

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