Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Yippee!! New Computer

I decided to get a new computer this past weekend. My old laptop was beginning to show its age (not enough power for the new games :)) So I decided to get a new one. My first thought was to get another laptop. I looked online and found a couple of good deals. I settled on another Toshiba from Best Buy. Well, while I was there, I looked at the desk tops and realized that I could get a much better system for a lot less. I wandered around the store for a while and came to the conclusion that I have actually only moved my laptop outside of my bedroom about 5 times in the past year! I decided that I really did not need a laptop as much as I thought. So I went with a Compaq Presario and an HP monitor ( really, really cool monitor!). I talked with one of my friends and she is gonna buy my old laptop, which is fine for anything that doesn't require a lot of video graphics. So the whole set up is gonna cost me about 350.00. This one should last me a few years. Still working on the wireless, though. The new computer doesn't recognize the wireless router that I have. I think I just have to find an updated driver for it. I'll need to spend some time on my roomie's computer downstairs. I am currently piggy backing on the neighbor's system.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Bad Day

Yesterday was a bad day. There was a supervisor's position that opened up and I had interviewed for it. As you can guess, I did not get the position. There were several other people who applied and I told one of my co-workers that there was only one that I would not want to see get the position. In fact, I would be quite upset if she did get the position. Well, guess what? The one person I didn't want to get the position did. The reason that I did not want her to get the position is because I don't trust her. That simple. She is smart and talented, but I just don't trust her.

Well, I managed through the day yesterday with the knowledge that I had 1 bottle of Irish Stout left from the last batch of beer I made. I was really looking forward to that beer. I got home and popped the cap and ...... nothing. No fizz. No "pop". No carbonation. Somehow the beer either didn't finish the fermentation in the bottle or the cap was not on quite tight enough. I ended up dumping the beer down the drain.

As I said, yesterday was a Bad Day.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

People are Crazy and Open Letter to Atheists

You should have been around RDU, or any part of NC, yesterday. To say that we had an epidemic of mass hysteria would be an understatement. All day long, the only thing people could talk about was the increase in gas prices. It started out in the morning with the rumor that there would be mandatory 10 gallon restrictions on purchases and went downhill quickly from there. Now, just so that everyone understands the situation...On Wednesday, I filled up my truck at 3.60-ish a gallon, Yesterday and today, gas is going anywhere from 3.60 to 4.99 a gallon (regular of course)! That is a 1.39 price difference, sometimes for stations right across the street from each other. There were lines at gas stations that were 10 - 15 cars deep. Wait times were over 30 minutes! The Governor even implemented the "price gouging" law! Gas stations ran out of gas. I suspect some closed down just to avoid all the hysteria.

Yes, I realize that Ike was bearing down on the gulf coast, and I realize that several of the major pipelines shut down. However, this IS NOT A NEW SITUATION. This stuff happens anytime a hurricane bears down on the gulf coast. There is a short disruption in supplies and then everything gets back to "normal".

People of the "great" State of North Carolina, you should know this by now. We have been through this exact same scenario several times already in the past several years. GET A FUCKING GRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........... gasp.... (I can't yell any louder)

Now, This is an open message for the leaders of the Atheist Movement, whoever you are:

You are moving to slowly in your bid to take over the US. I have a plan that will assist you in your endeavor.
1) Anyone that paid over 5.00 a gallon in gas should be neutered and incarcerated. They are way to stupid to be allowed to continue living with the general public
2)Anyone who paid 4.00 - 5.00 a gallon should be neutered. They can continue to live with the general public, but they should be restricted in the type of jobs they can hold. They should not be allowed to hold any position in which they have to make any serious decisions. Nothing beyond a first level supervisor's position, at best.

If you use this as guide to social reform, I am sure the US will be much, much better off.

Thank You.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

20th Century here I come!

Brace yourselves folks, this is gonna come as a surprise, but I just now bought my first song over the internet! Not only one song, but the whole darned CD (album? what is it called when there is no physical thing?)! Yippee! doing my little happy dance. No, there will not be a video. That would be too scary. My first is Fortune's Favour by Great Big Sea. (stop laughing Marquise) They are coming to town in October and I already have tickets for me and the Marquise. I first heard them while listening to Highlander Radio on Live365. They have quickly become a fav of mine.

Give me another couple of years and I'll be ready for the Millennium. I still have to prepare for Y2K.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Christmas Stockings and TS Hanna Knitting

Just a quick note to let y'all know how things are going with the great 2008 Christmas Stocking crochet-a-thon. (I know everyone out there is on the edge of there seats right now!) I have finished 3 more of the stockings, so I am now up to 7. I only have 5 more to finish before Thanksgiving. I should be able to do that, as long as I don't get to caught up in new knitting projects. I am really happy with these last 3. I found some really interesting cable stitches and have managed top work them into the stockings. I usually have to start the stocking 2 or 3 times before I get the pattern down right. Which is probably why I can only get 2 or 3 done at a time before I have to take a break and work on something else.

Since Hanna came through last night and this morning, I decided to start another knitting project (that and I was tired of the stockings). I am working on a knit scarf for a co-worker's girlfriend who is going through chemo/radiation treatments for breast cancer. She has been going through this most of the summer, so I figured she could use a bright yellow, pick-me-up scarf. I had some baby-yellow yarn from an aborted (bad choice of words? correct meaning though) baby blanket and decided to use that. I had started 2 or 3 blankets with this yarn and could not get any of the patterns to "work" with it. Y'all know what I mean, sometimes the yarn and the pattern just don't work out. So I am now happily knitting away on the scarf. It should be completed in a couple of days. I already have a couple of new "architectural" elements added due to a few boo-boos on my part!