Monday, November 26, 2007

Christmas is done (almost)

I am just about done with Christmas. All the ornaments are made. The crocheted snowflakes turned out great. I have to get some in the mail to my other two brothers. My younger brother and his wife got theirs over the Thanksgiving holiday. His wife was definitely excited about getting them. She does,however, tend to get a bit excited about Christmas. I finished the fire place screen for my Mom. It was not exactly how I wanted it to be, but it was still really nice looking. I guess like any other "artist" (there's a stretch) I am usually not satisfied with my work. I can usually see ways that it could have been better. "If I had only done........" However, at some time, I just have to say "Uncle!" and finish up.

Now comes the really fun part. Clean Up!!!!! My room is a mess. It looks like a cross between Martha Stewart and Pigpen invaded. I have craft stuff all over the place. I am not sure where it is all gonna go. I realize most of it was already here, but I'm not sure where it all calls home! I guess I'll hafta reorganize as I clean. Yeah, my 2 very favoritest things to do; clean AND reorganize. ALICE, where are you!

I can now get back to my list of things to do/try/learn. I have definitely let it slide lately.

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