Thursday, March 26, 2009


Facebook can be a great resource for connecting with people you have lost touch with. I recently chatted with a former co-worker from many years ago. I had crocheted a baby blanket for her daughter who turned 14 this year. This would have been one of my first first projects (probably second or third). I was quite surprised to learn that she still has the blanket! I have asked her to post a picture of it, if she can. It would be interesting to see it again. Sometimes, I tend to discount how other people view these gifts. I tend to see how I could have done it better, while they see a family keepsake to pass on. It is humbling to know that someone thought so much of my gift that they kept it for 14 years (13 of them with no contact). Especially considering how mobile today's society is.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Beer Done Bad

Yesterday, the Marquise and I went out to a new brewpub that has opened up in Raleigh. It is the Boylan Bridge Brewpub. I had been watching this place take shape for about 2 years it seems and I was excited when I saw it was finally open. Since we were going to be in that area anyway on Saturday night, I suggested that we try the place out. Not the best idea I have had, unfortunately. Their beer menu is limited, which is not all that surprising for a brewpub, they are supposed to serve their own beer, not other brewery's, but it didn't help that they were out of several of their own beers. When you only have 6 beer styles and you are out of 2 or 3, it just doesn't look good. I had the Southbound Stout and the Marquise had the Rail Pale Ale. Mine started out OK, but had a really long bitter after taste, which got worse the more I drank. I didn't finish mine. The Marquise's take on the Rail Pale Ale was that it was kinda 'Blah". Not exactly rousing endorsements. Usually, if we both order 2 different beers, one of us will get one we like. It is really unusual for both of us to be so unimpressed with our beer.

The other major complaint we have concerns the food menu. The types of food offered is pretty much "standard" upscale pub food, but the pricing/portion size is out of whack. The burger and fries that I got and the fish and chips that the Marquise got were both 9.00. However, given the portion size, the price range probably should have been 7.00 - 8.00 .

We will probably give them another try, but it'll be a couple of months. Maybe this was all just a slight stumble ........

Oh yeah, what's up with the floors?. All the woodwork in the place is great, but the floors look like leftovers from an old community center.

Beer, again...

Its been a while since my last post concerning beer. No, I haven't stopped brewing, just had a slightly longer break between batches than I would have liked. Oh, well.

This new batch of beer is an American Irish red. I got the kit from American Brewmaster. They have started putting together their own brew kits. Each kit contains grain, malt extract, hops and yeast; everything needed to brew a batch of beer. The difference between this kit and the others that I've used is that the others already had all the hops added and they did not contain any grains. They were all extract. The first thing I noticed was the really great smell that came up from the pot as we were boiling the grains. The second thing I noticed was the even better smell once we added the malt extract and the hops. We did have a slight boil-over during the process. I kept looking out for it, but it somehow snuck right on up. It wasn't to bad though ('specially since it wasn't my kitchen!). Its all in the fermenter now, I'll let you know how it turns out.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Voices Are Getting Louder

The other day, I had to take my truck into the shop for some long neglected clutch work. I took it in there after work on Tuesday, so I asked one of my co-workers if she could pick me up at my place Wednesday morning and take me to work. She was happy to help out (I have great co-workers and she only lives a hop, skip and a jump away from me). What I forgot to mention was that the truck would be in the shop for a couple of days and that I would need some help, probably until Friday. So, the next morning I got up and started repeating to myself "Sue, The truck is gonna be in the shop for a couple of days, can you help me out?" I was repeating this over and over, so I wouldn't forget to ask her. Soooo, when she finally arrives to pick me up, I get in and we say our hellos and other Good Morning pleasantries. All was going well. After about 5 minutes, I asked her if she could help me out the next couple of days. The conversation from there went kinda like this:

"Ricky, you just asked me that! Not 3 minutes ago!"
"Did I? Are you sure?"
"Yes, I said I would help out."
"Oh" I said in a rather strained voice. "Thanks."

Evidently, I had been concentrating and repeating the question so much to myself, I had not realized I had actually vocalized it.

Should I be worried?

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Where did the week go?

Wow, it is amazing how quickly a week can go by.

A few quick updates.

A week ago Friday I was at the Flying Shamrock in Goldsboro watching Hercules Mulligan and MY Three Kilts perform. It was a great nite. Both bands are chock-a-block full of great performers and good friends.

Last night, I went out to Napper Tandy's pub here in Raleigh and listened to Eire Lingus play. They play there most every Friday, but I don't get out there anywhere near as often as I should. Those guys do a great job.

Today I just spent enjoying the beautiful weather.